Get Involved

Our vision is to be a community committed to a thoughtful Faith, a hard-won Hope, and a generous Love. You are invited to get involved through returning a communication and volunteer form

Our vision is underpinned by the financial generosity of the people participating in it. If you would like to support us financially, you can:

  • Make an online donation through our JustGiving page or GiveALittle page.
  • Make a one-off donation via cash, or cheque or BACs via the Parish Office.
  • Complete a Gift Aid declaration form for any monies donated to the church. 
  • Give regularly via a standing order.  To organise this please contact the Parish Office.
  • Create a free account and shop online through to automatically raise funds for us at no cost to yourselves.
  • Remember us in your will by leaving a legacy to the church - a sum of money, a particular item or a percentage of your residuary estate.  

Friends of St George’s Church & Christ Church

As Friends it is our aim to preserve our two beautiful church buildings so they can continue to serve Esher and West End for many more years. We are promoting both churches so they can grow and become focal points of the local community, making our church buildings and facilities available for a range of activities and events to encourage closer community cohesion and cooperation. We are working with local businesses to enhance our capabilities and help us reach out to our wider neighbourhood. For more details and to become a Friend please complete and the Friends leaflet and send to the Parish Office. 

Thank you.